Cassan Astor and the Harbinger’s War is Out!

Cassan Astor and the Harbinger’s War is out and selling and you can buy it right now!

I am excited for this new book. The cover art is especially fantastic. Once again, we have a wonderful cover by Justin Davis. I like the colors used here. The fire really sparkles in contrast to the dull grey of the rest of the cover art. It looks really great in person!

Recently, I speculated on what the final page count would be. At the time, I’d assumed it would come in at 389 pages, and that proved true. The final count is indeed 389 pages, making it the second-longest book in this series behind the third book, Cassan Astor and the Immortal King.

Book 1 – The Desert Empress is 347 pages (shortest in the series)
Book 2 – The Sea of Krakens is 383 pages
Book 3 – The Immortal King is 417 pages (longest in the series)
Book 4 – The Harbinger’s War is 389 pages

I am very excited to see how this new book sells. So far, Sea of Krakens remains the most popular, which is particularly interesting given that it is the second in the series, not the first. One would expect the first book in the series to be the most popular.

Book three has struggled to sell quite as much. It’s had some “busier-than-others” weeks, but on the whole the third book isn’t doing the kind of sales that book one and two are. But hopefully with customers seeing a more complete series available, sales in book three, and then therefore four, will pick up.

As for what’s next? Work continues on what is going to be the fifth book, Cassan Astor and the Dragon Storm. It’s got a great name and it’s intended to be the final book in the series, which is meant to wrap everything up.

But in the meantime, please enjoy Cassan Astor and the Harbinger’s War on sale now.

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